Monday, March 1, 2010

Reading Reflection 5 - I'm thinking...

Frustration. Anger. Bitterness. Financial Aid. Epic FAIL. Registration. Absolute disaster. Grr. (Is that a word?) Homework. Blog. Tweet. Interdisciplinary Thematic Unit. Presentation. Simulation. Buzz words. Ethnography. Peer review. Reflection. Wedding. Postponed. Money. Hunger. Fear. Anxiety. Pressure. System overload. Teacher Performance Assessments. Attention Deficit Disorder. Reading reflections. Family. Sister. Puppies. Methods. Brian Reagan. Laugh. Cry. Repeat. Becoming a teacher makes me feel like a circus performer. Memories. Friendships. Professional development. Networking. Resume. Interview. Inadequacies. Inferiority complex. Drained. Observation. Data. Research. Live. Laugh. Love. Youtube. Lesson plan. Unit plan. Brochure. Student survey. Turbulence. Technology. Television. What have I gotten myself into? Teach. Learn. Cope. Full time free labor. Sallie Mae Foundation. Furlough days. Student fees. Rip off. Highway robbery. Empty bank account. Empty stomach. Empty gas tank. Google Docs. Groupwork. Collaboration. Cooperation. Acceptance. Busy work. Vicious cycle. Teaching strategy. Classroom management. Job market. Relationship. Read. Read. Read. Respond. Reflect. Analyze. Theory. Practice. Achievement gap. Inclusive education. Diversity. Differentiation. Study. Type. Delete. Re-type. Print. Staple. Submit. Mmm…Chocolate milk. Download. Upload. Attach. Reply. Forward. Text message. Computer. Google site. Wetpaint. Delicious. Ning. WebCT. Internet. Too many usernames and passwords. Tech support. Clinical Practice. Students. Administration. Community. Perspective. Culture. Voice. Power. Attitude. Social justice. iTunes. iPod. iPhone. Apps. Focus. Distraction. Professional portfolio. Sales pitch. Plan. Try. Reflect. Try again. Fail. Succeed. Struggle to maintain a sense of balance. Communicate. Expression. 1:56 AM… Exhaustion. Identity. Support. Camaraderie. Commiserate. Yawn. Design. Create. Attempt. Trust. Prepare. Write. Organize. File. Car floorboard. Concentrate. Appointment. Schedule. Socialize. Argue. Bills. Payments. Due dates. Responsibilities. Calendar. Smile. Difficult decisions. Growing up. Moving on. Struggle. Faith. Jitterbugs. Nervous tic. Discomfort. Almost there. And yet, still so very far away. Shuffle. Lifeless. Uncertainty. Confidence. Wasted time. Rabbit trail. Bird walking. Piggy back. Confusion. Apprehension. Chaos. Think. Blink. Breathe. Work. Sleep. Fight. Survive.



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